Alive is a charity dedicated to improving the
quality of life of older people and their carers.

Meeting Centres
Practical, social and emotional support for people with a recent diagnosis of dementia, people living with mild to moderate dementia, and their carers.

The Hoppiness Project
A collaboration with the University of Bristol connecting people in care homes to communities through hops and beer.

Bristol Elders Groups
Supporting the Elders Project which consists of three social clubs attended predominantly by the Afro-Caribbean community in Bristol.

Intergenerational projects in care homes and communities linking older and younger people across Bristol and North Somerset.

ALIVE Gardening
Alive has been running social and therapeutic horticulture sessions in care homes and community gardens across BNSSG for over a decade.

Empathy Suit Training
An emotive experience giving people a unique sense of how it may feel to be an older person living with frailty and dementia.

Resource Library
Browse pamphlets on best practice, community engagement, and volunteering. Get your hands on our wonderful conversation cards to support you – as a relative or carer – to build social connections and conversation.

Are you able to help?
£5 per month could help us provide regular sensory sessions:
For those living with advanced dementia
£10 per month could help us provide regular gardening sessions:
For those who would not otherwise get outside
£20 per month could help us provide regular intergenerational activities:
To bridge the generations and bring energy, happiness and friendship to older people