Alive has two community allotments, one in Brentry, North Bristol, and another in Brislington, South Bristol. Here we offer supported gardening and socialising sessions for people living with dementia.
Alive allotments give you and your loved ones access to the therapeutic and social benefits of having an allotment without the pressure of day-to-day maintenance.
About Our Allotments
Alive has been running gardening sessions for older people and people with dementia for over ten years and has seen first-hand the positive impact gardening can have on a person’s mental and physical health.
While at the allotment, participants can do activities set out by one of our horticultural therapy experts or enjoy good company and being outside surrounded by nature and birdsong. Trained volunteers will be on hand to assist if required and to help create a welcoming atmosphere.
The allotments are fully accessible. There is a shelter for when the elements are against us, and loos onsite. At the end of every session, there will be a chance to reflect on what we’ve achieved, make plans for future projects and, most importantly, drink tea!
How It Works
Sessions run at the North Bristol allotment every Monday and Tuesday afternoon from March to October and one day a week from November to February.
Sessions run at the South Bristol allotment every Monday afternoon from 28 April 2025.
These sessions are open to anyone in the community living with dementia, and their carers, relatives or care partners. The groups share the fruit, vegetables and flowers we grow all year round. Surplus produce gets donated to local groups.
Sessions at the allotments are free. If people would like to contribute to the running costs of sessions at the allotments, they may do so here.
You may book a place on any of our sessions using the forms linked below:
Care Home Visits
Alive welcomes visits from care homes to our award-winning, dementia-friendly allotment in North Bristol. Find out more about this here.
Other Community Gardening Opportunities
Alive are proud to offer a variety of therapeutic horticulture opportunities across our community. Find more about our other gardens and projects here.
Community Gardening Newsletter
The Community Gardening team sends out occasional newsletters, subscribe here.
We are always looking for volunteers to support our Community Gardening and other work. If you want to support us through volunteering, find out more here.
To find out more about our Community Allotments, please call Guy on 07423719088 or email