Every gift in every will, however large or small, is vital to the care of older people and an amazing way to continue your support long into the future.

After providing for your family and friends, leaving a legacy to Alive in your will can make a lasting difference towards supporting older people’s health and wellbeing.

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Having an up-to-date and professionally-written will gives you the chance to put your affairs in order and avoids any confusion after your death.

If you have already written a will, then Alive can still be incorporated into it by the simple addition of a codicil. Please ask your solicitor how this can be done. Legacies received by the charity are generally exempt from Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax, which would mean your loved ones have less inheritance tax to pay.

If you leave a gift to Alive it is important to include our Registered Charity Number 1132708 to avoid any confusion.

We would love to know if you decide to leave a gift in your will. Sharing your intention will help us plan for the future and it also means we can thank you.

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will to Alive, please contact our Fundraising Manager on fundraising@aliveactivities.org or call us on 07861 385 543.