Activity Audits – a great way of improving your activity provision through expert support and advice.

Offered nationwide, we can come to your care setting and support you in improving your activity provision. 

Using our knowledge, experience and understanding, we will spend time evaluating your existing provision, linking it your residents’ care plans, and supporting you in understanding how you can improve it – and ultimately enhancing your residents’ quality of life. 

What Does an Activity Audit Involve?  

1. We will come and observe two separate activities.

2. We will audit your activity plans.

3. Our trainers will look at your care plans, and link the activity to these.

4. We will write a report, linked to CQC Single Assessment Framework, which shows where you are doing well and what needs to be improved.

It’s a simple process, but will have a huge impact on your activity provision and the well-being of your residents.


Enhance the lives of older people in your care by improving their health, independence and social interaction.

Ensure your activities are varied, person-centred, relevant and frequent.

Show your staff what they are doing well and what can be improved – from an expert external provider.

Care for residents that are happier, more fulfilled and purposeful, with a rich quality of life.

Achieve higher CQC ratings and local authority commissioning objectives.

Invest in your staff, increase their skillset and further their development.


£750 for 1 activity audit. 

£1400 for 2 activity audits in 12 months.  

There will be a discount for auditing multiple care homes in the same care group. 

To book your Activity Audit today, call the office on 07861 385 543 or email