Alive are working with various partners across Bristol to deliver training for those providing care within the community.

Engaging with Dementia
Alive’s ‘Engaging with Dementia’ workshop supports those who are caring for, or who have a family member living with dementia.
Designed to help you understand more about dementia, it will also help you to communicate and engage with your loved one. Caring for or loving someone with dementia, knowing how to communicate or what to say can be challenging.

Alive’s ’Engaging with dementia’ workshop will give you ideas, tips and techniques to understand how to communicate and understand better those who are living with dementia.
Experienced trainers
Run by our experienced trainers who have helped to care and love someone living with dementia, this course will give you space to talk and listen to others in a similar situation.
Those who come will:
- Receive ideas on personalised activity and engagement
- Continue to see the person – not just the dementia
- Learn about the different stages of dementia and how to adapt communication and activity
- Receive strategies to overcome communication barriers
- Learn how to connect with your loved ones using practical tips
- Meet others in similar situations
- Have the chance to ask questions
We are currently delivering this training online. We have the following upcoming dates:
**Please ignore “Number of Homes” below, this should read “Number of Individuals”**
For more information please call Alive on 0117 377 4756 or email