Our popular face-to-face sessions offer a wide variety of activities in care settings and across the community. We can deliver hour-long sessions or 2-hour Alive Clubs.

If Alive Clubs are too long for your residents, you are able to split these into hour-long sessions across different floors or with different groups; an excellent way to engage residents who find group sessions challenging as we can spend the second hour providing 1-2-1 activities.

As always, the sessions we provide we are flexible and we are keen to tailor them to the needs of the residents within your home; we can adapt activities, topics and themes to the requirements of your residents and your home.

Guided Reminiscence

We have a rich catalogue of themes that can be adapted prior to or as the session unfolds and is guided along by the residents. These sessions are designed to stimulate memories and get the residents talking and sharing their experiences. The sessions include music and are supported by visual images linked up to your television, or we can bring a projector! Where there is internet access, we can respond live to memories ignited and share songs, images or whatever marvellous tangential path the session has taken, on your screen.

Variety Hour

Variety hour will usually be themed and is highly reactive to the residents in the room. Incorporating sing-a-longs, guided conversation, visual images, memory box objects and gentle play. The sessions always have a multi-sensory aspect and are designed specifically to accommodate a diverse range of cognitive needs.  

Gentle Movement

Our Gentle movement sessions are the ideal way to encouragement movement, however small. These highly sensitive sessions are responsive to the needs of the individuals within the group and instigate movement through light play and dance and can be done both seated and standing. 

Multi-Sensory Sessions

We offer ‘Multi-Sensory Sessions’- designed to enrich the lives of people who are living with complex needs; including advanced dementia and people receiving end of life care.

These smaller group sessions are calming and inclusive, and are proven to:

Improve mood and wellbeing

Easy anxiety and restlessness, reducing distressed behaviour

Stimulate and engage people

Our  Multi-Sensory Sessions have a positive effect on the atmosphere of the care home. Individuals are able to connect better with others during the sessions; reducing risk of isolation, loneliness and feelings of depression. Gentle movement promotes exercise and strengthening of muscles. These sessions concentrate more on one-to-one contact, and are highly effective in engaging people who find it hard to take part in larger group activities. 

Wellbeing in Nature

Our Wellbeing in Nature session is the perfect way to allow residents to experience the garden in a different way. Think nature-based crafts, multi-sensory experiences and reminiscing of how you’ve spent time in the natural world.

Don’t have a garden? We can bring the outside in and create a nature space within your home.

The same structure as Growing Support sessions: they run for 90 minutes as we have found this to be the ideal amount of time both for keeping residents engaged and covering everything that is required.

1-2-1 Sessions

These sessions are ideal for people who find group sessions challenging, or who prefer to stay in their rooms, or who are frail and being nursed in bed. Using gentle interventions, we explore multi-sensory stimuli, music, movement and life story work – sessions are tailored to the unique needs and interests of the person. Sessions can be for one person, or the time can be split between residents, for shorter engagement.

Men’s Clubs

We are often told that men within Care Homes don’t participate as much in sessions, and that sessions often lean towards the dance/singing side of things. So, back by popular demand and tailored to each home: cover a range of topics and themes in these discussion-based/sensory/reminiscence sessions. If you are able to let us know what you might like the first session to look like, please do, otherwise we will try a range of topics, and these will shape the sessions going forwards.

QiGong (Tai Chi)

QiGong is a sister practice to Tai Chi, with shorter exercise sequences. The gentle, fluid movements increase energy, open the joints, stretch muscles, and enhance balance. Participants can be seated or standing.

Museums To You

Imagine bringing the sights and experiences of visiting a museum into your care home. Each session involves taking replica museum items to care settings and supporting residents to interact with them in small groups, sparking conversation, reminiscence and learning.

These one-hour sessions invite the participants to delve deeply into well-known art works and fascinating artefacts from The Wallace Collection, while relating these to their own individual life stories. Discover gossip, scandal and stories about pieces. These thought-provoking sessions are stimulating, sociable and great for people who like a good discussion.

For more information on any of the above sessions, or to book, please contact us at info@aliveactivities.org or call 07861 385 543.