Hear from Winsome, our South Gloucestershire Meeting Centre Manager, about the group’s recent trip to Bristol Aerospace.
Last Tuesday, our Thursday group visited Concorde as part of our Cultural & Historical trip. It was a windy, cold day with some light rain showers, but it didn’t matter too much as we were planning to soak up the sights of the museum.
Our itinerary for the day included a peek inside the mighty Concorde and tour of the conservation hanger, but first: coffee! For two of the carers in our party, the trip held a special place in their lives with both having worked for Aerospace before; one in providing parts for the planes, and the other in wing development.

Chatting continued after a much-appreciated and generously-sized lunch, with our discussions turning to other places our members and carers would like to visit in the future, ranging from National Trust gardens and steam rails, to WWT Wetlands Slimbridge and everything else in-between. It was then that Jeff, our Meeting Centre Activity Worker, was asked by a party at a nearby table who we were!
Finding our conversation interesting, the party consisted of two parents and their daughter visiting from Germany, who were looking for a social group for the dad who they explained was living with moderate dementia. Taking their details, I promised to send them some information about attending a taster session at our Dementia Meeting Centres soon.

Three cheers for the power of positive gossiping! Not only did our Thursday group have a great visit, but our lunchtime chatting may even see some new faces join our mix. It was a great chance to really see the importance of getting out and about and you’ll also find me carrying one or two flyers in my bag from now on!