This is one-day training course and involves providing staff with a range of techniques and methods to encourage the sharing of cherished memories.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Use life story work and reminiscence activities to better understand the people they care for – resulting in closer relationships between staff and clients.
- Improve relationships within the whole care home by working with colleagues on life story projects.
- Deliver more personalised activities which have greater psychological benefits.
- Facilitate both group and one-to-one life story and reminiscence activities.
- Lead multi-sensory reminiscence and life story work activities using apps, websites and items to handle.
- Use a range of creative approaches (including use of music and poetry) to encourage social interaction and the sharing of stories.
- Adapt techniques and resources to fit the individual needs of those they care for (ensuring activities are person-centred).
- Source materials and create personalised memory boxes
For more information or to book training please contact us at or call us on 0117 377 4756.