The Share & Repair Project is a series of intergenerational events and workshops which share and showcase the skills and talents of older people from different communities in and across Bristol. 

From Nordic walking to gardening tips, these workshops are one-off events for older people to share their knowledge and offer opportunities for intergenerational connection.

Activities and Events

Our 2024 Summer Workshops have now ended. Please keep an eye on our socials for news of any upcoming workshops.

To find out more about Share & Repair, please contact Project Manager Natalie on or call the office on 0117 377 4756.

Past Workshops

Have Fun with 3D Textiles: Design a tote tag to keep with Fanny

When: Monday 22 July 10:30am – 12:30pm
Where: The Beehive Centre, Bristol

Cooking Class at CoExist: Warwick’s lasagne (feast included!)

When: Friday 26 July 10:00am – 1:00pm
Where: CoExist Community Kitchen, Bristol

Cooking Class at CoExist: Sri Lankan lunch + Mary’s chocolate, raspberry + cream swiss roll

When: Friday 16 August 10:00am – 1:00pm
Where: CoExist Community Kitchen, Bristol

Nordic Walking: St George’s Park with Helen

When: Thursday 22 August 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Where: The Beehive Centre, Bristol

Crochet Class: Learn how to make a blanket with Amanda

When: Tuesday 23 August 10:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Wellspring Settlement, Bristol

Sew Your Own Wardrobe: Make a skirt in a day with Jane

When: 30 August and 17 September 2:30 – 4:30pm
Where: The Beehive Centre, Bristol

Garden Grow: How to take semi-ripe cutting with Mary (plants to take home included)

When: Tuesday 17 September 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Where: Talbot Road Allotment, Bristol

Clothes Swap Party & Alterations*

When: Friday 27 September 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: The Beehive Centre, Bristol
*Drop in – no need to book

Feel Better: Insight Meditation

When: Monday 30 September 6:00-7:00pm
Where: Quakers Friends Meeting House, St Paul’s

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