This series of six short videos is designed to help both care homes and schools to start and facilitate their own intergenerational activities.
Each video provides ideas and advice to get started, and activities you could run to engage both age groups.
What is intergenerational activity and how do you get started? This video introduces intergenerational activity and the importance of co-production. What issues do you need to consider for your first session? There are ideas for ice breaking activities, and your first few sessions together.
This video covers how to make activities accessible for all participants. It also explains how to find common interests of both age groups – ideas and methods for how to do this, and objects you could use.
This video explores how to engage participants in poetry and storytelling, and sharing life stories. It also looks at use of technology as a tool for activities.
This video looks at the safety issues to consider for physical activities. What resources could you use? It also provides ideas for physical activities that may work for your partnership.
This video introduces ideas for using music, instruments, and song within intergenerational sessions.
This video explores different ways for younger and older participants to keep in touch and stay connected between sessions, or after a project has ended.

This resource was produced thanks to funding from the National Lottery Building Communities fund.