The theme of this year’s World Alzheimer’s Month is ‘Never too early, never too late’, with Alzheimer’s Disease International calling on everyone to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and the risk factors linked to all types of dementia.
To commemorate World Alzheimer’s Day this Thursday, we’re delivering a Dementia Friends (DF) session at our South Glos Dementia Meeting Centre, joining Alzheimer’s Society’s plans to use the day to help educate, encourage support of and demystify dementia.
Winsome, our Meeting Centre manager and Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Ambassador, will be running the session and says:
Many people know someone with dementia. In the UK, with over 900,000 people affected with dementia, it is becoming increasingly more common to know someone with the condition. However, how dementia presents in each person is unique to that person. The aim of the DF session, is to give our family, carers, and spouses the opportunity to get a wider understanding of dementia. Knowledge will not change the symptoms, but understanding why a person with dementia behaves as they do will help everyone better support their loved ones at home.
This information sharing is part of the way that the SGDMC helps and supports our members to adapt to the changes dementia brings.